" Cattle die and kindred die. We also die. But I know one thing that never dies:
Judgement on each one dead. "
(Norse Philosophy)

Few Words About Us

The Evolution Of This Site

The contents of these project are not my words. These are the words of the great thinkers, sages, and philosophers. . .
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The Wanderer And The Wanderings

I was born in a Christian family. I grew up a Roman Catholic, I was one among the "altar boys," molested by priests, then rebelled against the church.
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Why Wandering Theosophist?

In the special language of the Chuang Tzu, 'wandering' amounts to a technical term from that transcedental sort of free movement which is the mark of an enlightened being, the individual Theosophist.
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Religion And Theosophy

Great thinkers of ancient times don't believe in any god shape or form, personal or impersonal. They have been looking for this god through the Universe and they came empty handed. Nowadays the quest continues, and the only chance to find this "god" is to study every bits and pieces of philosophy, science, and religion. Thus "theosophy" appears.
[ Click here for more. . . ]

Religions are expressions of humanity's effort to relate to one another, to the universe around us, and to the ultimate ground of being.

Particular religions differ from one another because they are expression of that effort adapted to particular times, places, cultures, and needs.

Please visit our site from time to time for more updates. . . .
1995, The Wandering Theosophist, Kuwait, ULLESSIS-ARLYN ABAYA Homepage, email: totoabaya@eudoramail.com